Thursday, November 30, 2006

Un Homme, Une Rose pour toi

He offers us a rose. A very touching deed, indeed.
This was one of a series of photos we took at the incredible Cemeteire Pere LaChaise. I think we used up a whole chip here either because of the fame of the graves or the beauty of the statues. Many times, both....Methinks we should have made a list....prochain fois. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Père Lachaise is a fantastic place - when I first visited it the first thing I saw was the row of tombs just like small houses and it give me the impression of being a city in itself (a city of the dead). I also felt that when I was visiting the graves (of people like Yves Montand, Edith Piaf, Jane Avril, Modigliani) it was more like visiting old friends. I would love to be buried there when I die but I believe that is just impossible.
I also thought that Abélard and Héloïse were fictional characters until I saw their tomb. Did you take photographs of any of the memorials to the victims of the concentration camps - they are really powerful sculptures. Huge imposing monuments that you do not forget easily.
On a lighter note did you ever hear the story about Oscar Wilde's memorial?
The cemetery conservator had determined that the depiction of the genitalia on the statue was indecent and refused to have the statue revealed for public display. Despite public protests the conservator would not yield. Eventually a compromise was reached and a fig leaf/plaque was placed over the offending parts. One night in 1922, a group of students entered the cemetery determined to set things right and free him from his fig leaf. Unfortunately, when they hacked away at the fig leaf a substantial part of the statues's offending parts were severed from the statue.

2:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Haxo, must remember that - nice thought to start the morning (c:=

1:07 AM

Blogger JohnnyParsons said...

Love the place, Dr. A. Til then I didn't know Yves was married to Simone....Wilde's memorial has been further embellished with hundreds of kisses by various queens with heavy lipstick. I think it is meant to honor him not mock him. What gets to me more than the memorials to the concentration victims, are the various buildings (school) where they post the number of Jewish children who were either killed or hauled off to concentration camps. Very unnerving to say the least.

3:28 AM


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