Call them what you may, We get a kick out of seeing the vending machines for them. In the U.S. they are limited to some men's restrooms. In France, you find them even in the Metro stations. Proof that the French are much more sophisticated and open about SEX. The puritans don't have sex. That is why there are so many of them. LOL We have even seen them mounted on walls of goverment buildings in France. Why not?
Come to San Francisco and you can find them in the bars, on the counter, in a jar. OK, some bars, not all of them.
8:12 PM
I think in the UK we only have machines in gentlemen's loos. Ahem not that i've been in them.. lol.
Apart from that, they're sold in supermarkets, garages and chemists of course. Next to the cough sweets just in case teenagers lose their bottle!
2:56 AM
Have a look at a similar pic on this web page French Letters Scroll down to near the bottom. You will easily spot it.
3:10 PM
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